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Uranian Blue Color Specification - Colorguide.org
Uranian blue is a very light color with poor contrast with light backgrounds. Its lightness is 83%.
About Uranian Blue - Color codes, similar colors and …
Uranian Blue is a light greenish-blue, the color of Uranus. Learn about its color codes, similar colors, paints, palettes, images and more on colorxs.com.
Uranian Blue - #AFDBF5 - The Official Register of …
The digital color HEX #AFDBF5, known as "Uranian Blue", belongs to the Azure Color Family featuring High Saturation (Saturation Family) and Very Light (Brightness Family). HEX code #AFDBF5 represent the color in hexadecimal …
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Shades of blue - Wikipedia
The color defined as blue in the RGB color model, X11 blue, is the most chromatic (colorful) blue that can be reproduced on a computer screen, and is the color named blue in X11. It is one of the three primary colors used in the RGB color space, along with red and green. The three additive primaries in the RGB color system are the three colors of light chosen such as to provide the maximum gamut of colors that are capable of being represented on a computer or television set.
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license144 Shades of Blue: Color Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK Codes
Learn about different shades of blue with names and their respective Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes. Uranian blue is not one of the 144 shades listed on this web page.
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Uranian Blue color palettes - colorxs.com
Find what colors go with Uranian Blue color palettes. Explore monochromatic, analogous, complementary schemes. Inspiring color palette and combination for your next design.
Uranian Blue color information, conversion and matching paints
Description and conversion results of color Uranian Blue. It is a bright neon azure color having an approximate luminance of 85%. It has a hue value of 202° indicating that this is a cold color.
HEX #AFDBF5 color name, color code and palettes - colorxs.com
The color name for #AFDBF5 is Uranian Blue and is belongs to the Blue color family (hue). The RGB color code for color number #AFDBF5 is RGB (175, 219, 245). In the RGB color model, …
Color - Uranian blue | Perception
Uranian blue (#B0E2FF) is a color that conveys intense, agile, and gorgeous feelings. Learn how it combines with other colors to create different moods and palettes, from refreshing to elegant.
#afdbf5 - Uranian Blue - colornames.org
Download the colornames screensaver to bask in the glory of live color namings... Track any price, of any product, at any store. Only buy when your price drops, using the new/free GOSH …
Uranian Blue - color-site.com
You can see color samples of Uranian Blue and detailed color information such as RGB and HSV. The hue of Uranian Blue and the color scheme when the saturation is changed are also …
ウラニアンブルー(Uranian blue) - カラーサイト.com
ウラニアンブルー(Uranian blue)の色見本やRGB、HSVなどの詳しい色情報を見ることができます。 ウラニアンブルー(Uranian blue)の色相や彩度を変えたときの配色なども一覧で表示し …
25+ Colors that Start with U (Names and Color Codes)
Oct 6, 2023 · Welcome to the intriguing universe of 25+ Colors That Start with U, a curated collection that might just be your next inspiration in design, fashion, or simple color curiosity.
Uranian Blue | 100+ Shades of Blue And Their Names - listium.com
Apr 3, 2023 · These shades evoke a range of emotions and sensations, from calm and serene to cool and refreshing. Each shade has its unique character and mood, making them suitable for …
50+ Shades of Azure Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes)
Mar 6, 2024 · Uranian Blue is inspired by the distant planet Uranus, exuding a celestial and otherworldly charm. It's a color that encourages exploration and wonder, inviting you to gaze …
Color - #B2E1FF | Perception
The hexcode #B2E1FF is also referred to as "<shade>Uranian Blue</shade>". By itself, it is commonly associated with <term>dreamy</term> (95.7% match), <term>urban</term> (95.6% …
Uranian Blue complementary - colorxs.com
Find HEX, RGB, and CMYK color code for complementary or opposite color of Uranian Blue.
Uranus Blue color hex code is #4FD0E7 - Color-Name.com
Uranus Blue has the hex code #4FD0E7. The equivalent RGB values are (79, 208, 231), which means it is composed of 15% red, 40% green and 45% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in …
Uranians - Wikipedia
The Uranian writers formed a rather cohesive group with a well-expressed philosophy. [2] Their work is characterized by an idealised appeal to the history of Ancient Greece, as well as by a …
Technip Energies on LinkedIn: #lithium | 14 comments
We have been awarded a Bankable Feasibility Study contract by VIRIDIAN LITHIUM for the first lithium refining and conversion project in Europe. 🙌 Located in… | 14 comments on LinkedIn
Technip Energies Awarded a Bankable Feasibility Study Contract …
Jun 7, 2022 · Technip Energies (PARIS: TE) has been awarded a Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) contract by Viridian Lithium for the construction of the first lithium refining and …